The Relevance of the Aesthetic Study in Dental Veneers Treatment


In the aesthetic dentistry world, every detail is important. When a patient comes to the practice with the hope of improving the smile, it is essential that the treatment not only meets the highest quality standards, but that it is also tailored to the individual’s expectations and wishes. This is where the aesthetic study comes into play in the treatment of dental veneers, a crucial step that guarantees personalised and satisfactory results.

What does the Aesthetic Study consist of?

The aesthetic study is a detailed analysis of the patient’s facial structure, smile and denture. Through this study, photographs and videos are captured, allow the dentist and patient to visualise what the final smile will look like before treatment begins.

This process includes the evaluation of areas such as:

  • Proportion and symmetry of the face.
  • Alignment and shape of teeth.
  • The relationship between lips, teeth and gums when we smile.

The goal is to identify any aspects that can be adjusted to improve facial harmony and achieve a more aesthetically pleasing smile.

Why is it important to take Photographs and Videos?

Photographs and videos are indispensable tools in the aesthetic study. They allow an accurate picture of the current situation to be captured and a simulation of the possible results to be made. This not only helps the dentist to plan the treatment more effectively, but also allows the patient to actively participate in the design of their new smile.

Benefits of using Photos and Videos

  1. Pre-visualisation: The patient can see a visual representation of what their smile will look like, which reduces hesitation and increases confidence in the process.
  2. Personalisation: Each treatment is tailored to the unique characteristics of the patient, ensuring that the final result meets their expectations and wishes.
  3. Effective communication: Facilitates communication between patient and dentist, ensuring that both are aligned on treatment goals.
  4. Detailed adjustments: Allows adjustments to be made during the planning process for a more accurate and natural result.

FAQ's about the Aesthetic Study on Dental Veneers

1. How long does the aesthetic study last?

The aesthetic study is usually performed in one or two appointments before treatment. Time could differ depending on the complexity of the case and the level of customisation required.

2. Can I suggest changes after seeing the simulations?

Of course! The goal of the aesthetic study is that the patient is completely satisfied with the treatment plan before starting the process. Adjustments can be made until the patient is comfortable with the proposed design.

3. Is an aesthetic study necessary for all dental veneers?

Although it is not essential, it is highly recommended, especially in cases where facial aesthetics is a priority. It helps to ensure that the treatment is most personalised and precise.

4. What if I'm not satisfied with the final results?

Thanks to the aesthetic study, it is very unusual for a patient to be disappointed. However, if this happens, the dentist will work with you to make the necessary changes.


The aesthetic study is a essential tool in the treatment of dental veneers that guarantees customised and high quality results. Making use of photographs and videos, not only personalise the treatment, also ensure that the patient is completely involved and satisfied with the process and the final results. If you are considering improving your smile with dental veneers, make sure your dentist performs a complete aesthetic study. This additional step can make the difference between a good result and a smile that really lives up to your expectations.

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